Our homepage, which is the excellent BandCamp platform, contains all our studio works that are finished so far: www.myattorneymusic.com
Our less prepared audio artefacts - in the form of demos, blips, sketches and experiments - can be heard at our SoundCloud here: www.soundcloud.com/myattorneymusic
The social networks also get a look in at www.twitter.com/myattorneymusic and www.facebook.com/myattorneymusic The band can also be emailed on myattorneymusic.com
Tweets by @myattorneymusic
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Our next show is Ian Leaf's birthday party - https://www.facebook.com/events/419886421428900/
And we have two more shows after that: Luke Page's wedding and a slot supporting London band Mt. Wolf. More about the latter show in a future post.