Monday, October 15, 2012

September 2012

During this time, there was a distinct shift in focus.  I concluded my day job to focus squarely on the music production once more.  Around this I was able to finally design a site that showed off my work of the last seven years.  There is still a bit of tweaking needed to be done; I have never built a website before, and the crash course in Vimeo, Tumblr, Squarespace and Easyspace seemed to require as much effort as any of the mixes I was trying to upload.

Old scores were one by one settled; the updating of this blog being one of them.  The feeling of spring cleaning through the archives of unfinished online tasks proved invigorating; best summarised in an extract from an email to Aaron McMullan sent recently:

I have been furiously archiving, finishing and focussing on all things Unimbued [this month].  There is a new site which makes the best of my production efforts available to the General Public.  This is of great solace, since up until this was made live, pretty much everything I had done for the last seven years was somehow tied up in the [malfunctioning] Ex Libris site.  

The internet can be completely over-lauded sometimes:  it does not deserve the amount of time that we, as free-thinking and sparkling individuals, devote to it.  However, in terms of the music and art and work that we have done, the Internet is crucial.  It serves as a gallery that we cannot maintain in any other way, unless we are Damien Hirst or EL James, which thankfully neither of us are.

You can imagine the - and I use this word cautiously but sincerely - spiritual benefit from knowing that I had once again control over my digital destiny.  Updating the Blog, with which you viewed that beautiful video of us in the Twelve Whitby kitchen, is very much part of that process.  A recognition of work done, to further encourage us to keep going.  Our efforts may be virtually inaudible now, but they will be safely archived for the future, lest they find their larger audiences that they so honestly deserve.