Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Future Loss release LP4: 'Pattern Magic'

After an interminable time spent languishing on various hard disks, the fourth record from Future Loss is now complete.

It comes as one half of the LP4 double album experiment.  Although it stands alone as a self-contained record, it shares the same studio genetics as its sister-disc, 'Summoner'.

An extract from the over-involved liner notes now follows:

Combining the sprawling, free-form craziness of Vast Active's sound, with the meticulous production techniques employed on earlier releases, the 2013 sessions (with some drum parts laid down as far back as December 2012) would be a summation of everything the band had learnt about recording to date. A variety of different methods were used in order to capture the best, and most appropriate-sounding, take of each song. Many of the visceral pieces were done live, keeping the guide vocal and rhythm guitar to ensure maximum energy. Some of these were committed to tape during a heat wave in an airless room with bars on the window. The more expansive numbers were layered up piece by ambient piece, carefully balancing looping guitar parts with lo-fi synthesisers going through multiple effects pedals.

In some cases, traditional studio techniques were abandoned entirely, with the band preferring to use rehearsal demos and bootleg recordings from gigs, when the results proved superior to the studio offerings.

Without sounding too embarrassingly self-conscious, this record contains some of the best work I've ever put onto tape, and the whole project (including 'Summoner') is a condensed study of everything I have learnt during my eight years of producing, songwriting and being creative in general.