It came with hymn books, collection plates, archaic newspapers, an organ and thirteen vast rooms for me to record in. There was a rush to secure as many bands I was affiliated with passed through its doors before the short lease expired.
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Pond were the first to take the Church test; with the equipment set up in one of the side rooms. Overdubs, such as the trumpet and feedback parts, were added in the bigger and more reverberant spaces.
We managed five songs (The Village Idiot, It Will All End In Tears, Swan Song, Wasted Youth and Bright Young Rain) over the course of a long weekend, and in a true twist of the fates, seemed to capture ourselves playing at our best, despite not sharing the same room with one another for seven years, or having played live in over ten.
I was struck by how well the songs stood up to present-day scrutiny. Our teenage selves clearly had an ear for melody and structure that have stood this pieces in good stead. It was great to see the guys again - probably the closest I'll ever get to a class reunion.
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The Girls returned for more bits and pieces; the first time I recorded the drums in the main room - to dazzling effect.
I also debuted on guitar on Disconnected, the extraction of which can be heard below. It was going through a lot of Kaoss Pads at the time.
I also debuted on guitar on Disconnected, the extraction of which can be heard below. It was going through a lot of Kaoss Pads at the time.