Monday, October 08, 2007

Saturday 6th October 2007

It’s been a frustrating few weeks here at Libris Shires, with very little good news trickling through about any of our pursuits. In addition I now have a job, which although it significantly curtails my day, I hope that it will focus my mind on working harder in my spare time. As Andy Warmington once remarked: “There’s nothing like having 24 hours of the day to yourself to make you do f***ing nothin’.” I’ve been making beats for Build Me An Arm, Mister Yokoi, which is a moody piano piece that I’m yet to bring to the MA LP2 table for fear that it isn’t up to scratch. After a protracted period crafting a beat that was too complicated and clever by half, I took my gear down to the piano and recorded some new sections that I’ve written since the initial segment was tracked last summer, and then set to work on a revised beat. It’s hard to tell at this stage whether any of it is any good. There is some debate in the Libris camp about the lyrics for this particular song, which deal with (among other things) the birth of Nintendo’s coin-op arcade games, manga monsters roaming the streets and male lesbianism.